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Proud to be a partner of these organizations:


GPS tracking

Our clients get to know the exact location of every guard Our clients get to know the exact location of every guard provided by us while on duty at their premises provided by us while on duty at their premises

Real-time tracking

Our clients can track guards on their premises in real-time at any time.


Our clients get to define the area within which our personnel and guards can move. Deviations, if any get recorded as violations in real-time!

Inactivity caution

Our guards can’t afford to be inactive in the face of our constant surveillance which notifies after long periods of inaction.

Guard shift confirmations

Our guards can by themselves verify each shift giving clients the much-needed confidence and assurance of their presence.

Integrating app with map

UNiSEC Mobile App is integrated into Google Map to allow individual guards to see the location of other guards at the same site.

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